Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas brunch~

Today I was blessed to be able to go to a Christmas brunch given by our church. It was nice to get dressed up and visit with other women & of course listen to a lovely message. I had brought some of my tea cups and plates to share with my table....which had burlap, silver, little white mums and candles along with dreamy German glass glitter birdies (from Wendy Addison) .
I start back to work on thankful!
The picture of the lady in the car makes me laugh.....It's so me always digging for something n the trunk of my car thinking wear did I put that? ! Little pink shoes are from Rachel Ashwels blog~
bless & hugs~
pamy j

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


just found this on chez fifi's her blog~

as for me ....doing better~ they got everything... I have clean margins ...I start treatment soon~ will update you on what is next~ so thankful~

This is a lovely mannequin given to me (2 of them actually I call them "the girls").... I had wanted one for so long! The faith necklace on it was bought for me at Ruby Rose in SLO. So precious!

Another gift this lovely bracelet my friend Tami bought for me. It's made out of vintage adorable I wear it all the time! Might have to make some!

bless & hugs!
pamy j

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

beauty beyond what we see~

Surgery was last Friday~ all went well. I was amazed at the peace of God that came over me before I was brought into the surgical unit. Then I felt as if I was in the most amazing deep sleep....much to my surprise to hear my name called as I opened my eyes I asked," was it in my lympthnodes"? They responded with no.
I cannot tell you the tears that rolled down my face looking to share with anyone in that room of God's amazing grace! And I did just that!
I have been recuperating at home with much love of old and new friends. We have been blessed with meals, phone calls and texts from all over the thankful that you are my friends ! So thankful to know you have been praying for me....I can feel those prayers....i have so needed them!

Well, my road is one day at a time as I wait yet again. I must admit I don't like being in this "wait and see" mode.

I go to see the surgeon this Wed (day before Thanksgiving) to find out all of my pathology reports....stage this cancer ...know the treatment I have ahead of me (chemo/radiation). I have come off a mountain and feel a bit melancholy....and a wee bit tired....

My bandages are allowed to come off today...I can hardly look ....all of this is such a strange place to be at the moment.... i'm reminded of the inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.... I do.....God has me in the palm of His hand and He promises to never let go....there I find my Him I get my strength for the next step....

here are some cute pics of a birdie from my friend Shannon a gift perched in a lovely plant accompanied by a sweet meal....
look closethis little birdie has sweet little paper words on his bottom that are shredded and it, love it!

bless & hugs
pamy j

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In my weakness...He is strong~

How do you start a post that has many tears attached to it? How do you describe something so personal so private? How do you comfort when you are hurting and yet you don't want others to hurt too?
I feel as though I'm in a theme park on a roller coaster just going up the tracks to the top. I know there is no stopping ... I'm anticipating the top because I know it will zoom out of control in a hang on for your life ride.
That's where I'm at.....
In the past 2 weeks my life has completely changed.

I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It seems like such a blur....
I could go into details of some of the pain and mistakes made by the medical field.....a radiologist here in the states missing my calcification's....2 biopsies that showed fibrocystic changes ( NEW Zealand)....then you ask yourself did they get the microcalcifications in the biopsy....did they miss it? How can someone who was ALWAYS under the scope have this happen?
Mark and I moved back 11 months ago from New Zealand to California.....we were just settling in getting our lives back to normal. His insurance had just kicked in with his work.... About 2 months ago He came out of his office and said to me ...."the Lord told me you have to go get a mammogram right away". He has never done that in our entire marriage of 26 years. Well...I was so mad at him....thinking to myself I am ALWAYS on top of mammogram ALWAYS! So I made my appointment because it had only been one year since my last one .... it kind of frightened me.
They told me they saw something.....all I could think was oh's in the 1:00 position and it's just the same old nothing....but they wanted to biopsy it & that they did. So when they phoned me (at work) and told me my husband was on his way I knew..I knew......her words invasive ring over and over in my head.....Mark arrived at my work and we went outside and just held each other sobbing, as my sweet husband cried out to the Lord," why her and not me....I would take this from her Lord".
So here I am.....before the Lord... i'm weak...He is strong...I am sad ...He is my Joy....I have cancer... but He is life....oh my soul why are thou so cast down? I can't get up....but He picks me up like a little sheep and turns me back over on my feet....
I have felt His breath pass over me....the breath of life...the breath he breathed on Adam...I am but dust.....but He has given me life....
I don't want my blog (that I have neglected) to become sad....but I want to keep you in the many emails and texts from you~I have felt your prayers....they sustain me....I have read your scriptures...listen to your are friends~when one part of the body hurts the whole body hurts....thank you~
I have some of the best Dr's here...our family physician is a Christan man who we have known for years....he has been the most caring ..praying with us...clearing time for me with all my questions such a surgeon is one of the most well known in this area the very best....

I go in for surgery this Friday at 4:00pm (Ca. time) I am asking for prayer that it is not in my lympth nodes...they get it all... God's hand on me....

The Psalms have been especially comforting to me...when I'm afraid His peace washes over me....He keeps me in that perfect peace...because my mind is stayed upon Him~

I guess the best thing is pink still makes me smile.....

thank you for your love~

bless & hugs~
pamy j

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ruby Rose~

OK MY NEW FAVORITE SHOPPE!!! This vintage shoppe is adorable! I met the owner Stephanie through my friend Kathy which I met through my really good friend Brenda! Ha! Have you ever walked into a little place and thought ...I could stay here all day! She has amazing vintage finds.....linens....vintage clothes....old tarnished silver....old bottles....just endless! These gals are true kindred spirits! Kathy my newest friend who lives around the corner from me...her sister owns Baby have got to buy that book! Google all about her she is amazing! It's all vegan and gluten free cakes, she was on Oprah...and Disneyland want her to sell her cakes in there too!

.....Kathy's house makes me cry it's beyond beautiful.....better than a stack of the most dreamy vintage French magazines! This girl is SO talented!

You have got to go to Ruby Rose and meet Stephanie....she is adorable.....she is only open on Thurs and Sat In San Luis Obispo.....don't worry about getting a coffee...there is the cutest shabby vintage trailer in front of store that sells delicious coffee!

Bless and hugs!

pamy j

rachel ashwell~remnants of the past show

Oh boy! I was sooooo thrilled and sooooo blessed to be able to go to the remnants of the past vintage show this past Saturday! I had heard about this show for sometime....but living overseas prevented me from attending. My sweet friend Judy puts this on twice a year. She has an amazing array of lovely lovely vender's from near and far! The french linens sent me! My heart was pounding I could feel its warmth as I looked around the one thing I noticed was these gals (thousands) precious gals all had that look about them. What look might you ask? Why, my look! Yes we are all connected in such a strange way. Our love of vintage jewelery...piled on....our funky purses....our layering of fabrics.....whites....creams...lace....and of course cowboy boots with dresses...heaven!

The highlight was meeting Rachel Ashwell.....she is just so beautiful~she was there signing her book. What a treat.. such beauty~ she is amazing! I have a picture of me with her...but I looked so bad ha ha!

bless & hugs!

pamy j

Thursday, September 30, 2010

enjoyable weekend~

we had a lovely weekend celebrating Marks Birthday on the 26Th of Sept. Both kids were here...Kenzie drove from Northern CA with her boyfriend Scottie, so great!....I finally had 2 days off in a row...whew so all worked out perfectly! The weather was so incredible.... lovely lovely! We spent both days with mornings of french toast and pancakes....lazing around on the beach.... a bike ride on a dreamy path along the golf course to the ocean..... dinner at the most yummiest of places...and kayaking in a breathtaking bay with all the sea life.... Here are a few pics of the family! We are SO blessed!

While we were waiting for the kayaks we went into this little beach coffee shop on the pier....this sign caught my eye .....thought you would enjoy.

bless & hugs!
pamy j

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ive been here...there...everywhere...sorry~

Apologies~ My life has been full these past few months. Can we still be friends? Take a journey together? I have found myself lost in work, family & life. My creative side has been nudging me ever so much lately. I have dreams of weddings~ready to venture out in faith.

McKenzie was home for a few months and is now off to school again back in Northern Ca. Jonathan is living with us for now, it has been such a delight to be with both kids! They are both two of the best children you could ever ask for. We have had many bike rides together, sunset walks, movie nights and just sharing meals together!
Will share pictures of us and things I'm working on~
Would love to hear from you!
Bless & hugs!
pamy j

Friday, May 28, 2010

cute ideas for weddings or garden parties~

i came across these and thought i would share ....what lovely simple ideas for a wedding or a garden party~ a while back i taught a class for some lovely ladies on making wire hanging vintage bottles. i came across these pictures off a german website called Bo.... of course our bottles were more elaborate adorned with jewels, crystals and pearls ....but I'm drawn to the simplicity of these....just simple pretty...enjoy! I'm making some!

jonathan is great to have him home! he and mark are out together at the moment. kenzie arrives tomorrow...i will post more pictures in the next few days~

my bags are adorable....can't wait to share!

bless & hugs!
pamy j