Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sorry it has been awhile.....

I am trying to get to hooking up wireless router~just sooo much in one day with us right now.....but I don't want to go on~

I'm on the hunt for the perfect curtains....came across these from Bella Notte...ohhh so lovely! I plan to make my own~

Lately I have been in the book of Esther~ I'm actually doing a Beth Moore study with a CC here in this area. It has been so great! Did you realize that is where the feast of Purim comes from! Read it and do some research on it -what it means....it's so awesome!

don't give up on me.....i'm gonna have lots of pics....found an adorable shop in Santa Barbara I will share...and i just was invited into the house of my dreams right down the road!! Ohhh wait until I get my camera in there!

Bless & hugs!

pamy j

Friday, March 5, 2010

cabbage and roses

Oh I couldn't help myself! Aren't these so adorable!

less is more~

I am realizing the older I get...less is more..less is more! I love Rachel Ashwell's new bedrooms!

I hope to have pictures for you soon of my place (or what I'm trying to do)....our wireless should be up and I can download for you!

I made a lamp cover yesterday....shabby creamy ruffles....although Mark thought it looked like a pair of bloomers-might have to do some alterations to it a bit...it is visible from the street and lots of people walk by the front of my house! Oh my!

Bless and hugs!
pamy j