Saturday, November 28, 2009

her day~

I came across this wedding dress in all my things as I was packing~ It was given to me a long time ago so carefully I had it tucked away. I was told it belonged to a woman from New York~ I thought to myself~her day~ what was it like? Who was she? Her waist was so tiny! Did she marry the love of her life? Did her guests loose their breath as she walked in the chapel? Was she already a bride, the Bride of Christ? I love to reminisce.

Well, I'm tired and a bit much going on~ So I needed to look at something pretty~ I took a lovely few pictures to share.

I am having my last women's study (here) this Tuesday night in my home~ I will share with the ladies from the Word and encourage, exhort, worship together have prayer and then make some dreamy vintage Christmas ornaments one last time before all packed away~ it moves to tears~time is close by for our departure.

Bless & Hugs!

pamy j

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

a rare find~

Oh Look what I found! As we were sorting through boxes (it's endless) we came across this stack of of papers called The Laurelled 1889 News type papers! They were Marks Grandfathers...he saved everything (oh how I loved him!) What a JOY as they were in a box in the garage and a lot of the stuff in there had mould damaged- these were spared! Oh Thank you Jesus! There are many french/Paris themes! I had had to share~
Bless and Hugs!
pamy j

Monday, November 23, 2009

broken~ not forgotten~

I have been going through boxes and boxes this past few weeks. What do you save? What do you give away? What do you sell (especially when your shipping container is costing you a small fortune!).
I came across this bag of old broken dishes and I sat there and went through it piece by piece. They are pieces of my life over the last 25 years. I have saved all of them! Some where my grandmothers ( perhaps they were given to me when I was too young to appreciate them.) Some were broken in an earthquake we had in California before we moved to New Zealand. Some broken as they flew off the front seat of our car as we moved from house to house when we stopped at a stop sign. And some I think (because usually I can remember when the piece was broken) my husband broke and quietly put in the broken bag without telling me(mmm)....he probably wanted to spare me the emotions. You see I cry as if it was a family pet I just lost! I weep over the history...the memories of my Grandmother having it ALL those years on her shelf to have it in my garage in a bag in a million pieces.

The decision had to come. Do I keep them or toss them out? As I walked down memory lane i realized you may be broken but not forgotten my sweet friends! I will rescue you! I will make you beautiful to behold again! Yes....there are SO many possibilities for you....a lovely garden stone mosaic?....perhaps adorning a garden wall?...oh what about jewelery?...yes a little piece of my grandmother around mine and my daughters neck!

This got me thinking....just like Jesus! When we are broken does He cast us out and throw us away? Never! What does He see? Some may look at this pile of brokenness and say, "what use does it have now"? He sees past all that for we are BEAUTIFUL to HIM! He sees potential in each one of us! So my little pretties....what do you do? You pick up the pieces and you let Him make you beautiful again!

Philippians 1:6-7

Being confident of this very thing, that

He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Rejoice! I have picked up all the little pieces...put them in a bag and tucked them in my picnic basket to take back to the U.S. Shhh...don't tell Mark!

Bless & Hugs!!

pamy j

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


His Bride~
another lovely picture by my beautiful daughter McKenzie~
I will have to post pics of her....she is so lovely~
pamy j


We are very blessed with a daughter who has such a gift with photography ~ Every good and perfect gift is from the Father above~

Bless the Lord~ thank you Father for my lovely daughter and wonderful son~

Bless and hugs!
pamy j

Monday, November 16, 2009


keepth thee~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

don't worry~

I love Christmas~ I love everything about it~

I love CHRIST in Christmas (I know it's not His real Birthday) but still we remember Him~
I love family~food~Christmas carols~presents~decorations~ornaments~lights.....I just love it all!

This year we will be with family for a winter Christmas, our precious kids~I'm SO excited but a little torn too. We love this church family here and will miss them so~ knowing this is the last Christmas season here.

I will not have all my pretties (they are only things I know) as our container will take 3 months to arrive. We do not yet know what the Lord has for us in the States..... just that we are to go now~ so we obey and walk by faith~

I am comforted by this scripture~

Matt 6:34
therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble.
That's exactly what I'm doing.....

Bless & Hugs!
(pics are from various blogsites)

pamy j

Friday, November 13, 2009

I am woman~

I am woman~taken from his side~
You see for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam~and he slept; and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in it's place...Then the rib which the Lord God has taken from man He made into woman~
Adam said~
You shall be bone of my bones
And flesh on my flesh
She shall be called woman
Because she was taken out of man
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Who am I?
I am woman~
from his side....
Mark's woman and I love it!
We should rejoice in our marriages....loving and serving our husbands~ I'm SO thankful for such a wonderful godly man! I am truly blessed!
Ladies~ pray daily for your husbands that they will be godly and be the leaders in the home~we really need to be doing that~
Bless & Hugs!
pamy j

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a few days~ I've been so busy! My sweet friend Lori at Katie's Rose Cottage had these on her blog~ they are from one of my favorite stores Anthropology! So I thought I would share....I love the clothes-and since I just sold 75 percent of mine at a garage sale I guess I got a bit emotional!

She has more on her blog~ go to comment before this blog and you can click on there~

The Lord is So good! I just love Him SO much!

Bless and Hugs!


Monday, November 9, 2009

pattern for everything~

Remember a while back when I said I would post the wonderful graphics from the pastors wives conference ? They had taken from Titus...a pattern of good works... I found them as I was sorting through boxes! I have the flip side with scriptures on them too. Sorry for the bad sunshine today here!
You can make the sweet journals from these...use old patterns to cover them too!
Look they have scriptures and special little hidden things~
I just love them!

sweet notecards~

Bless & Hugs!
Pamy j

Saturday, November 7, 2009

calm & joy

Well, garage sale behind me now~ whew! SO tired~
It's funny to watch people buy your things~ what they choose..... how some of them wheel and deal. My favorite was this gal that came up to me, she had an arm full of clothes (all name brand ... some new..jeans Levi's Marks and mine-we have gained weight She asked me how much for a bag full! I said at first, "well they are individually priced". She kept saying bag....well I thought to myself she must be so poor(she looked weathered) and doesn't have any clothes (the scripture came to my mind when I was naked you clothed me....) So She asked if she could have this huge stack for 10.00 (there was probably $70.00- $80.00 in that stack) of course I felt bad and said yes~ she opened her wallet there was a wad of money... she handed me a fifty! Lol.....I gave her back the 40.00 and I thought to myself....good one! Number one you CAN'T judge people by their outer appearance....and number two... as unto you's ALL yours! The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day ~
calm down don't loose you joy!

Bless and Hugs!
pamy j

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


They say,'one mans trash is another mans treasure'~ that's my problem....I love little treasures....
~as I'm sorting through things to leave, give away and sell ....I'm reminded of my treasure in heaven~this vintage treasure junkie takes great comfort in that! Thank you Jesus!

Matthew 6:19~21
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal~but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal~For where your treasure is their your heart will be also~

Bless and Hugs


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

precious keepsake~

~As I'm cleaning out everything and having to let go of half of my things I came across this precious jewelry box of my mum's. I had actually covered it (like we all did in the 90's) with some hideous blue cornflower print ugh! I almost tossed it until the lid popped open and the inside made my heart melt....I hurried and ripped off the ugly fabric ...there it was a lovely old box that my mum probably had all her precious keepsakes in for years ( I do remember it on her dresser and the smell too)....I'm so sad i must have discarded the lock in the 90's off of the front~
Well~this is a keeper!!
What a week for me....sorting through stuff....I have so much for garage sale this weekend......
The Lord keeps pressing on my heart...."trust Me' as i decide what goes....what stays....
Bless & hugs!