Friday, April 2, 2010

good friday~my birthday~

I'm one of the fortunate ones that happens to have a Birthday that falls on good Friday and Easter occasionally....April 2nd! I know it's April 1 here in Calif. but in New Zealand it's the 2nd....since my computer is still set to that time and my thoughts at times are too I had to share today. I was reminiscing last year for good Friday service we were summoned by a loud alarm (remember?) as the firefighters showed up? Oh it was a moment in time as we all had to leave the service and stand outside. I loved that service we remembered.....

~ Thank you Jesus for what you did for us this you went to the cross to die for us that we might live! I love you and am SO thankful that I have eternity because I believe in you, confessed my sin...asked you into my simple...SO thankful~BEST BIRTHDAY PRESSIE of all!

As for my Birthday~ It's tomorrow here April 2nd here...Mark is taking me to a sweet little town about 45 minutes from here for the day for a lovely lunch and walk around a bit....

bless & hugs!

pamy j

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