Monday, December 7, 2009

just things~

just things~ little precious memories for me....
we are packing away~ I'm finding it hard to think straight. Every time I turn around something else....will it fit? Whom shall I give it ? I was able to give some dreamy stuff away to a few younger gals that are creative and newly married. They remind me of me when i was that age. It really blessed me to give it to them. I know they will use the things. For me it's like older teaching the younger women to be keepers of their home~
I will admit today~ I'm/we are sweet hubby has been working so hard he threw HIS back out today. Ha...we are just a pair! I'm trying to think how we will get all the pots he cleaned out into the garage! O-dear! told him, "Oh no does this mean you can't bar b q"? Trying to use the food in freezer as the fridge goes on Thursday!
I'm actually laughing right now!
I know the Lord will never give us more than we can handle so we keep going!
Bless & Hugs!
pamy j

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