The things that bring me peace & calm are prayer with Jesus, His Word and sweet fellowship with sisters/people that encourage & exhort~
As a pastors wife you see many people who have so many woes, aches and pains. I find the more things I am going through, the more I am given to encourage others. When things seem so overwhelming in my own life and in others it is comforting to know I can pray, encourage & point to Jesus for He has ALL the answers. It can be exhausting in so many ways both physically and mentally if you never understand this it is Jesus who heals us, helps us, strengthens us. So we need to get our eyes on Him.
It's strange but for some reason this time this move has been the hardest of them all. I refuse to dwell on it all though and walk around with sackcloth and ash on my head. I have aches and pains just like we all do...years of a bad back etc...I could go on but years of walking with the Lord have taught me to take it all to Him in prayer.....then leave it with Him....
I was thinking.....
What are you like when you have trials in your life? Please note yes...we need to go to each other for prayer and encouragement for this is how the body works. But do you complain a lot to others, putting on your mourning face a lot? Do you think of yourself before others and what they are going through? Do you drain people because the attention is not on you? Are you a giver? Do you avoid fellowship (which is really selfish)? I have noticed over the years that people who do this are the ones who hardly ever serve and give (observation). You can get bitter or better, you can have pity or be pretty and by "pity" I mean on yourself...best way to cure the "self thing" is to jump in and think about someone else for a change. Jesus was exhausted for sure, I mean come on He knew what was ahead of Him, the cost...He is our example His love for us kept Him going. Paul had everything happen to him ( including physical)...he kept going! Don't get offended if you are reading this- we all have to stop and think if this is us/me? I am not saying that some people do not genuinely suffer and we need to lift them up and care for them, of course~ but you would not believe how many people have severe problems and live in joy because they keep living for Jesus with their eyes fixed on Him....even Amy Carmichael the missionary to India (read her book) kept going after her debilitating injury. That is why we have all her books - she wrote them from bed!
Tired and achy I am yes, I will share that....but down cast I am not ( which literally means you can't get up) all because of the mighty name of Jesus! How do you want people to see you? A servant of Jesus....or here comes trouble? Which by the way is spiritual immaturity....I want to serve even if it hurts and finish well.
I think it would be a good thing if we all looked at ourselves and perhaps took our eyes off ourselves,served in the church (yes your church on Sundays) and gave....Jesus says ,"when you give".....there are far too few people who do this, but you know the ones who do they are obvious...because of the Joy they have...always thinking of others. I'm exhorting here!
I love these pictures above~ they are calm....lovely....peacful....half my furniture is gone so I am dreaming.....
just sharing~
Bless & Hugs!
pamy j
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