Monday, January 4, 2010


Shadows~ lovely shadows on an old building in Wellington NZ I took the day before we left. I thought they were so pretty. Do you ever feel like a shadow falls over you and you are just waiting for the sun?

I was reminded by the Lord today how important it is as we look ahead to this new year to reflect upon all He has done this past year and share it with someone! Do you realize we encourage each other as we share of all God's blessings!
King David in Psalm 77 talking about his troubles and refusing to be comforted...then in 77:11-12 he says I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old! I will meditate on all Your work, and talk of your deeds. This helps us to see all the Lord has done for us....and will continue to do!
Remember & share~
Bless & Hugs!
pamy j

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