Remember that famous line from the movie
Sabrina (one of my favorite movies). The one
where she says's to the older brother Lioness,
'where do you live'? That line has always made me stop and think where do we live? Do we live in the presence of Jesus Christ daily, do we pray do we walk by faith?
Over this past year Mark and I have had some rather over-whelming times of heart-ache....this quote comes to my mind,'where do we live'.... we know our home is in Heaven (big house, family lots of friends, no sickness, no heart ache ...no bills, BTW all paid for by Jesus...He's a regular guest!).
Here our home as a missionary and as Pastor (my husband) of a Church in another country we are sometimes hard pressed on both sides. Our children living in another country (U.S.) our church family here in New Zealand (we just love). So we have always been a bit torn and have tired not to let that be a focus by avoiding going on about the ache Mark and I have had.
The ache over time for the children has pierced our hearts enough to know it is God calling us home. Hard at first to except, after all this church (His church) has been a labor of love. Leaving the U.S. 5 years ago coming in faith not really knowing anyone but obeying the call. Nothing has been easy as you would expect for a Bible teaching, verse by verse church .Nevertheless God saw it through and it's planted with a firm foundation.
Now we have to step aside knowing we were called (like the Apostle Paul) to plant. As much as it hurts we pass the baton to the next pastor (coming) to take this church to the next level. Nothing is ever easy~especially when you love a group of people so much! The pain of saying goodbye is just as hard as when we left the U.S. 5 years ago....the fruit we have been able to witness in the lives of the body here (and ours) has been so incredibly sweet. They will forever remain dear friends. Our hearts will forever be for New Zealand and the land down under....we leave filled with huge hearts to get behind things that are happening here, missions hearts...we plan to be a part of many things in the future....
What have I learned on this venture of faith.....When God calls you to do something...you go....when He tells you it's time to move on you go....we are just passing through this life....our real home is in Heaven..... where we will all be together again!
It has been a privilege to be a part of the work of God in Calvary Chapel Wellington....the beginnings....the best is yet to come for this sweet church...
Please pray for us....as we sell off our stuff.....say goodbyes....and venture back in faith to the U.S.
I write all this with tears & knowing how Paul felt many times
....we are truly the ones blessed to have known you ..the Kiwi's~ our Joy & Crown ~
Like Paul~
Phillippians 1:1-6...9
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the Day of Jesus Christ;
And this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that yo may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ~
Bless & Hugs!
1 comment:
Pam ~ I can only imagine the mixture of emotions that you feel right now ~ I know you are blessed to follow what the Lord has led you to do ~
You will be so very much in my thoughts and prayers ~
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