Spring is my very favorite time of the year! I have so many fond memories of it growing up. My Birthday is in April so it always meant it was the first pool party of the year (i grew up with a swimming pool)! The flowers are popping their little heads up everywhere representing that new life-and then there is the sweet fragrance that fills the air and just sends me! I love to walk the neighbourhoods...I must say I go weak in the knees for roses and any pink flowers. I have been known to carry clippers and a basket (i know!).
Last night we had our first dinner party! We had a few friends over. I cooked all day....a traditional kiwi dinner with a little xtra spice (he he)! We had lamb....yes, it was from Australia....so so good as Mark threw it on the barby! And of course i made a double decker pavlova....as i explained the claim to fame between OZ and NZ ...who's is it anyway? I actually grew up having this lovely dessert made by my mum who as you know is Australian. Either way the Aussies and the Kiwi's have it down when it comes to a perfect pavlova! My guests were sooo delighted and loved it! So, I guess I must be a little of both sides-heavy sigh! We are so thankful for our friends here and there.....and yes i received two huge bouquets of pink flowers!
Here are some random shots of a bucket of roses from a garden.....so lovely~
bless and hugs!
pamy j